My oldest son, DIL's hubby, is flying out there in about 9 days. Till then he has my youngest son as his roommate. Middle son and I went over tonight and I fixed supper for the three of them - pork chops, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, rolls, corn-on-the-cob and, to counteract all those starchy, buttery dishes, a green salad. It was all comfort food. The boys loved it. But it didn't comfort me.
I don't remember going to #1 son's house without my grandchildren being there. It felt empty and quiet. My three sons, grown now, don't wrestle each other anymore. They aren't loud or discourteous. They don't argue or disagree. They get along beautifully and I take credit for that - deserved or not. Of course, it was a different story when they were younger. They fought and disagreed like all brothers do. But, they are 'mature' now, and even though they tease me and joke around with each other, there is an underlying respect there that fills my heart with joy. That, and the fact that two of them have given me grandchildren makes me extremely thankful. I think it was P. J. O'Rourke that said, "Grandchildren are our reward for not killing our children." There were times...oh, there were times. But now - peace and love abide. Amazing...
My granddaughter, Miss M, age 7, fills me with wonder. She reads better than I did when I was an eighth-grader! And, The Happy Budda, 7 months, melts my heart with his smiles and thrills me with his laughter and pleasant little personality.
How much will he have changed in two-and-a-half weeks? Miss M told me she missed me on the phone tonight. What new adventures will she have to share with me when she gets home? I can't wait. She becomes so animated when she tells me things.
I can't imagine living far away from them, or Middle Son's twins, age two, MAT and MiMi. The M&Ms are going to Cali for a week in July with their dad and mom and other grandparents. I will miss them just as much, knowing that they aren't a short drive away.
It is good for me, I guess, to experience some separation. If I ever re-marry, will HE want to live here in Arizona or move to Where-The-Heck-Are-We, Montana? Would that be a deal-breaker for me? I guess we'll cross that bridge when, and if, we come to it. Till then, I am going to bask in the love and appreciation I have for my wonderful, bright and precious grandchildren. And I'm going to count the days till they get back here and I can hug them and hug them.